Overcome procrastination FOR GOOD
with Emotional Intelligence 
It’s been proven than procrastination is the biggest enemy of success and contrary to what it’s believed, procrastination is NOT based on lack of time or organizational skills, but PROCRASTINATION IS DIRECTLY LINKED TO EMOTIONS.

Learn the system I used to get “unstuck”, quit a frustrating job, and start my own business that went from $2,000 to $500,000 in 18 months.

It's time for you to feel EMPOWERED (With Power!), and start taking control of your
Thoughts, your Feelings, your Time, your Finances, your House, your Actions, your Relationships, Your Life.

See proof below on what's possible!
You'll Learn How To...


You cannot change what you are not aware of. You'll understand the real “why” of procrastination after this class and why is it that even though you know what to do, you still don’t do it!

LEARN How to change once and for all, even if you have tried many times before

Emotions have the greatest impact in your day-to-day tasks. Learn how to understand that you can change negative emotions through Emotional Intelligence and Neuroscience. You will see how EQ has a direct impact on procrastination and the secret to increase EQ.


Did you know that there are 5 different types of procrastinators? You can discover what your type you are, or if you have more than one type combined! You can only start to change when you actually know where you are at.

How to do what you know you are supposed to be doing even if you are not motivated, you are really dreading to do certain tasks or think that you don’t have time

It’s difficult to move when you feel confused, overwhelmed, anxious or doubting yourself. Learn how to get out of that negative place and find time to do them!

How to make sure that you change for good, even when you have been very inconsistent in the past

“Successful people do daily what others do occasionally”. Learn the secret to be consistent!


Yes, you have read that correctly. There is a way to increase your productivity and your probability of success by 80%. You’ll be able to learn how in the webinar.


See how my students have learned the key Stop Procrastinating and learn how to:

  • Lose weight
  • ​Have a more balanced personal/work/family life
  • ​Be better with their finances
  • ​Do the tasks that they dreaded doing
  • ​Keep up with their house chores and projects
  • ​Grow their business
  • ​Get out of relationships that were not good for them
  • ​Get out of jobs that were not good for them
  • ​And take control of their lives 

Ashley Arquette
From overwhelmed to empowered. Opened her new business in less than 30 Days!

Barbara Martin de Sarria
Struggled with her weight for years until she found the real (emotional) reasons and conquered new habits and achieved her ideal weight!

Dr. Anilda Ortiz
A very successful professional, learned to balance her business, while being a wife, a mom and found time for herself.

Suyen Stevenson
Her description of the results after taking the course.

Noemi Maiorana
Felt stuck and started taking control of her days by starting early, exercising and working on finishing an online course that had started 2 years ago. She did finish it and open her own business after!

Cat Pena
From doubting herself to no excuses, more productive days , started exercising, opened her new business in less than 30 days! Her income now matches what she deserves

Victor Arvelo
From feeling stagnant in Life to start going to the gym AND doubling the sales in his business!

Cristal Smith
Avoiding to clean her house and get rid of before and after...and the rest of the house looked as clean at the end of the program!


Who Is Paty Johnston?

I help individuals who are sick and tired of failing to fulfill the promises they do to themselves and feel guilty about not doing what they know they are supposed to be doing. I help them Stop Procrastinating in 30 days so that they can overcome their negative emotions, take action, feel good about themselves, and fulfill their purpose in life.

  • I was born a procrastinator, diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), born in Colombia, and came to the US as a single mom, with no money and with a "disability". I had everything against me.
  • Deep in my heart I knew my potential, but I was so overwhelmed that I felt frozen. I knew was I was supposed to be doing but I didn't do it. I felt stuck.
  • I discovered that procrastination is not related to lack of time or lack of organizational skills, but discovered that procrastination is directly linked to emotions.
  • ​I developed a SYSTEM that changed my life. It involves emotional intelligence, actions and accountability. It also includes neuro-science.
  • ​I went being defeated and not taking action, to having multi-million dollar businesses and now being an International Leadership Coach, Trainer, and Speaker with the John Maxwell Team.
  • ​It's my passion to share my system with others so that they can overcome procrastination also.

Even during quarantine my unique SYSTEM (which you'll learn on the class!) helped Members to start making choices that CHANGED THEIR LIVES as they learned how to actually do what they are supposed to be doing...

Vanessa Park
Eating fast food was convenient but not the best for her health or her family’s. She took control of her health habits and the way she wanted to live in the future.

Brad Vismann
From having a long list of things that needed to get done for months, to finished them all in a month!

Emily Brown
From going to bed at 2am and 3am , to waking up at 6am and crushing her goals! #Empowered

Liz Cardentey
From struggling to lose weight and eat healthier to eating what she knew all along it was best for her. From feeling dissapointed on herself, to being proud.

Mariela Ayala
From wanting to do too much, to finding balance, productivity and peace.

Emilie Brown
From going to bed at 3am and 4am to waking up at 6am and having very productive days. Even the dog benefited!!

Are you ready for a change in your life? Are you ready to be ALL you can be?
Attend the Class & put my life-changing SYSTEM into practice!


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